How to Avoid AI Detection: 9 Tips for Better Content That Ranks Higher
Ever since this little guy below started offering its help, the world of content has changed. Well, the world, in general, has changed, as it goes well beyond just content.

Source: ChatGPT
Whether you’ve built an AI-generated blog farm or you’re just playing around with ChatGPT when you’re bored, we’ve all tested its limits and power.
Ironically, its power ends when it faces another ‘machine’ and can’t get past an AI detector.
Yes, any AI writer can generate millions of blogs in literally no time.
Yes, it seems to know “everything” about anything.
Yet, when it comes to detection, it looks rather powerless.
But wait a minute… Can’t you make text not AI-detectable? Oh yes, you most certainly can. And this is what we’ll be discussing today.
🙈 Note: This guide isn’t for those who want to rephrase AI-generated blogs. We don’t support any attempts to win readers and search engines with some mediocre content. No judgment here — you do what you do.
Still, this guide is for those who want to improve their blogs and make sure that Google doesn’t trace them as AI.
- Why Avoid AI Detection?
- 9 Tips to Get Rid of AI Detection in Your Copy
- #1 Write Just Like You Talk
- #2 Work on Readability and Shorter Sentences
- #3 Use Your Personal Experience
- #4 Add Storytelling & Real-Life Examples
- #5 Keep an Eye on Tautology
- #6 Avoid Being Too Generic
- #7 Research From as Many Sources as You Can
- #8 Play Around With AI to Understand Its Style
- #9 Focus on Value for Your Readers
- FAQ: How to Make Text Not AI Detectable
- Conclusion
Why Avoid AI Detection?
Some of you might be wondering — what’s the problem with generating tons of SEO blogs in the first place? There are way too many, but these 3 reasons below pretty much sum it all up.
Reason 1: AI Content Messes With Google’s E-E-A-T Policies
Okay, of course, the first question anyone has is: How does Google treat AI content? Do they ban it?
Here is their official position:

Source: Google
Well, if anything, it is pretty vague as the whole policy (you can read it in full here if you haven’t already). But why is it? Doesn’t Google know for sure how to treat AI content?
Of course, they do. But let’s be honest, shitty content existed long before artificial intelligence.
If you take a look at Google’s spam policy mentioned above, you’ll notice something right away. Both the AI content and simple human scraping (rephrasing) are all in the same group for search engines.

Source: Google
What does this mean for us? No matter what you’re doing, Google has its algorithms in place to filter out low-quality, spammy content. They’ve been doing this for decades.
And whether you use AI or simply order human content from a writer who has no clue, you will be left in the same spot — on a trash dump of SERPs.
That’s why your best bet is not to go against the E-E-A-T policy, which aims to prioritize the most valuable, unique, and insightful content.

Reason 2: You Don’t Really Help Your Readers or Improve Your Brand
Google seems to try and care a lot about people and the relevancy of results they get. But Google shouldn’t be the only one caring about readers.
Look, you might be treating your blog as some fluffy SEO stuff your marketing team is doing. Yet, whether you believe in its power or not, many people (way too many) will judge your business by what you’re posting online.
If you don’t take our word for it, here is what the data says:
- 44% of shoppers read 3-5 blogs before contacting the seller or purchasing.
- When it comes to B2B, the results are even more impressive — 71% of B2B customers read blogs during their buyer journey.
So, whether you want to accept it or not — your corporate blog is a huge deal when building your brand. And do you really want people to associate your brand with some poor content?
Reason 3: Your Rankings Will Drop Sooner or Later
AI platforms like ChatGPT, Gemini, and all that stuff learn how to generate content from what’s already out there. This is why sites that use AI-generated content often end up publishing articles that look really similar and seem to share the same style and message.
What’s the problem with that? Well, if you go up to the first reason, you’ll see that Google basically ignores content that isn’t original and helpful enough.
And if you can generate a blog in ChatGPT, so can anyone else. And guess what? They’ll get quite the same info, no matter how good your prompt is.
In other words, relying completely on AI content feels a lot like sharing the same brain cell with all those other blogs. Depending on whose turn it is to use the cells, your copy might just end up an exact copy or a rephrased version of someone else’s posts.
When this happens, the algorithm can see your site as a bot blog farm. As a result, it will lower your rankings or never let you get to the top in the first place.
Either way, you’re not winning any flowers for originality, let alone getting to score a higher search ranking. Even if you think that you can fix it by buying white-hat backlinks, it won’t work unless you have actually decent content.
9 Tips to Get Rid of AI Detection in Your Copy
We know what you are thinking. You are expecting to find a list of tools that can help you rewrite your text so it can pass AI detection. But not today – insert the “we don’t do that here meme.”
Instead, we will do you one better. We are going to give you solid tips that many expert marketers and writers use to make their copies rank better than others in their niche. Sounds good? Cool, here we go:
#1 Write Just Like You Talk
There is this talented guy, Paul Graham. He’s an entrepreneur and a writer. Even if you have never read his essays, he gives amazing advice to make your copy better — write the way you talk. Sounds like a cliche, but hey, don’t knock it if it works.

Source: Inc. Magazine
If you write like a bookworm cosplaying as a professor, your text is likely going to score pretty high marks as the AI copy. The only thing that works is to be easy (-ish). Take a look at this copy AI created for us:

Guess what? The AI detector lit up like a Christmas tree. Well, that’s not surprising, considering that AI writers use typical word and idea combinations. So, when you write in a predictable formal tone, it is going to get flagged as AI.

Source: Winston AI detector
Now, what happens if we sound more like we are writing to a friend instead? You know, when we try to explain the idea in a more casual style, maybe even throw in a meme or a joke?

Just look at this! We wrote an easy-to-read human text, and here’s what the AI detector result looks like:

Source: Winston AI detector
The verdict is clear — if you’re wondering how to avoid AI detection in writing, writing like you speak is definitely the way to go.
#2 Work on Readability and Shorter Sentences
Okay, we’ve already mentioned the idea of a simpler and easier copy. All this leads us to another major point for any writer — readability. Yet, it isn’t only the way to avoid AI detection tools; it also helps to make your message more persuasive.
If anyone knows anything about persuasion, it’s politicians. And guess what? The most successful politicians speak at the level of 4-7th grade tops.

Source:The Boston Globe
Yep, turns out that when people understand what you are saying, they can then connect better with you. This can make all the difference for any business or personal brand.
So, besides using everyday words in your copies, what else can you do? We are glad you asked. Have you ever seen someone write mostly in long, complex sentences that seem to go on forever? Here’s an example:

Source: PMC
Don’t get us wrong, that works in some cases, especially when you are writing advanced literature (maybe). But yeah, not when you are trying to reach the general public.
Most people will find it hard to follow the train of thought in a sentence that runs on for more than two lines. Forget about a four-line sentence altogether!
Now, compare that previous text with this copy and see which one is easier to understand.

Source: CopyPosse
Writing in short, simple, and clear sentences definitely works if you are looking for how to get past AI detectors.
If this doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t worry. There are special tools you can use to track your readability at first. And then, you’ll get used to it. One of them is Hemingway, which helps you adjust your copy in a very intuitive and visual way.

Source: Hemingway Editor
#3 Use Your Personal Experience
Want to avoid AI detection? Then, write a copy that is based on your personal background. You know what they say about the experience? It can be the best teacher, but it can also help you become a dang good teacher yourself.
Okay, we may have taken some poetic license with that one, but the point still stands.
Did you use ChatGPT to spin a new copy? Chances are that it has created something so obvious that anyone who knows anything about your topic would just close the tab with your blog.
What if you simply rewrite different articles that have already been published? That’s (very) likely going to be tracked as AI content as well. Boom. That’s what we’ve already kinda mentioned above.
Whether you’re using an AI writer or creating a useless copy by yourself, no one will like it. This includes AI detectors, search engines, and, of course, your readers. Now, how do you make it less AI?
Here’s the thing: even if you get some inspiration or try to structure your thoughts with AI, you still want to personalize it as much as possible. The good news is that it is easy to do that.
You can share your own experience that reflects on the topic. Maybe interview different teams in your company and get their real-life insights. Maybe even watch a podcast or read a related book and draw from the stories shared there.

Source: Forbes
You can take it a step further by adding backlinks that help make your content look more trustworthy. This way, your blogs will actually reflect your brand and be so unique that they won’t get flagged as AI.
#4 Add Storytelling & Real-Life Examples
You know how they say that if it quacks like a duck and waddles like one, then it must be a duck? Well, AI content writers have come pretty close to mimicking human content. Yet, when it comes to providing helpful, authentic life examples, they still lack it.
You already know that reflecting on your personal experience can help make text less AI, but it doesn’t stop there.
You can share your stories or even stories of other people whose experience perfectly captures your points. Best part? This type of hands-on experience is hard for AI to recreate.
So, when you garnish your copy with bit-sized stories and examples of how you resolved an issue or learned something new, it has many advantages.
For one, your audience can relate better to your content. Even more importantly, they remember you for longer. How true is the last claim? Stories are 22 times more memorable and can lead to 30% more conversions.
A perfect example of this is the Wrigley’s gum commercial. It features the love story of Sara and Juan set against a backdrop of Haley Reinhart singing the classic “Can’t Help Falling In Love.”

Source: Rattling Stick
In the words of John Starkey, Wrigley’s VP, “In 20 years in marketing, I’ve never seen the consumer reaction I’ve seen this early with any piece of advertising I’ve been affiliated with.”
This love story might not be directly connected with the gum itself. But storytelling is so powerful that people start to associate the product with those sweet emotions they’ve experienced when watching the commercial.
This iconic ad has been featured in many articles and books. One of these is the popular title ”Stories That Stick.” This book looks at how storytelling can help brands and people create unforgettable bonds.

Source: Kindra Hall
#5 Keep an Eye on Tautology
Tautology is another big thing on our list of how to make something not AI detectable. Tautology is basically saying the same thing over and over again — see what we did there? Besides, it also means repeating the same words or phrases instead of using synonyms.

Source: ProWriting Aid
Other times, it’s using new words to repeat the same idea. Talk about overflogging an issue. While it’s true that doing this may be the only thing that gets your teenager to listen, it works differently in SEO and marketing.
The only acceptable reason to use tautology is when you are making a point, as seen here.

Source: SmartBlogger
Anything outside of a scenario like this is going to get the algorithm to mistake your copy for an AI-generated work. So, the less repetitive you are, the better.
You can use synonyms or similar words or even tackle the point from a different angle to avoid repeating yourself too many times.
#6 Avoid Being Too Generic
Ever wondered how some people can take one look at an article or essay and just know instantly that it’s AI-generated? That’s usually because such texts are very superficial, like the example below:

Source: ChatGPT
It’s why people describe them as fluffy texts — mostly filled with air and not much else.
Well then, here is a logical question — how to get around AI detectors? By making sure that your copy is not too generic. Instead, it shows depth in how it covers the topic. Compare the first example with this one, which deals with the same topic.

Source: Server Academy
Unlike the AI one, the one written by humans does not read like a laundry list of steps. It goes on to actually provide logical steps to take with images that show you what to do and expect. So, how do you do the same?
Instead of writing about anything and everything, try to focus on specific issues within your niche. Of course, they have to be challenges that your audience actually cares about.
You can find out what these are by using a keyword research tool. It’s better to offer a few clear, useful pieces of advice with detailed steps. For each step you describe, try to add an image or an example that helps your readers visualize the steps.
This will be more helpful than regurgitating the same superficial idea too many times.
#7 Research From as Many Sources as You Can
No list that explains how to get around AI detectors is complete without this tip. The idea behind this is simple. The more you research a topic, the more information you have. The more information you have, the better you write.
But here’s where some people get it wrong. They research the topic itself from many sources but then forget to do the same for the sections.
You see — when you do the same level of digging for each section (heading), you end up with enough material to handle each part with a unique POV. That way, you’re able to combine lots of information in an “unexpected” way that AI detectors can’t flag.
#8 Play Around With AI to Understand Its Style
AI content like the one written by ChatGPT tends to have a distinct style. All AI writers tend to overuse certain phrases or start with the same style. Don’t believe us? Just ask ChatGPT to create different blogs for you.
After a few tries, you’ll notice that its texts are weirdly similar. Case in point:

Source: ChatGPT
Now, let’s give it a different topic and see what happens:

Source: ChatGPT
Notice how alike the opening sentences and the general style are? And this happens every time. Yep, ChatGPT also has its own style. In time, this has become an instant tell, and many people turn out when they feel like the writer didn’t even bother to put effort into their copy.
You can try training it on your previous copies to sound like you, but chances are that this won’t fool the algorithm for long. Not even if you play around with different prompts, ToVs, etc.
And it isn’t just us noticing this. There are tons of articles online that analyze how good human writing is different from what AI creates. If you want more proof, check out this Hackernoon blog.

Source: HackerNoon
Your best bet is to just avoid sounding the same way as an AI. This happens when you write, ignoring the rules we shared earlier, which brings us to the last point.
#9 Focus on Value for Your Readers
When people talk about how to make something not sound like AI, the answer usually boils down to one obvious goal.
The focus should be on writing copy that provides unique value. That means the posts have to give realistic answers to people’s questions and do so in a way that they can understand.
The more you write for people and not just for search engines, the less likelihood that your copy might get treated as AI. How does that pan out?
Chances are that even without reading this post, you will find yourself already putting some of the ideas into practice. If that’s the case, well done! Yet, if you feel like you can still improve, go for it. Your readers will definitely appreciate that.
FAQ: How to Make Text Not AI Detectable
Why Does the AI Detector Say My Writing Is AI?
This usually happens when your writing uses a mix of formal and predictable wording and style. It’s even worse when the content is too generic and does not include any personalized touches to make it stand out.
How to Avoid AI Detection in Writing?
You can offer a specific, unique angle to the topic, share your own relevant experience, and add storytelling to make your copy more special. You can also follow the simple steps we’ve shared here to make it easier for you.
How to Get Past AI Detector?
To get past an AI detector, your writing has to clearly show that it’s written by a human. This means that it must provide authentic, helpful guidelines or answers to people’s questions. Even then, it must sound less robotic and more like you.
Why Is My Essay Detected as AI?
It could be that your essay does not have enough depth and only provides superficial information. You can fix this by researching the topic from as many sources as possible. Not just the topic idea but also each section or heading.
This will help you come up with fresh ideas that are also more comprehensive.
How to Not Sound Like an AI?
You should write in your natural conversational style. The more conversational and lifelike your copy is, the less likely it is that you’ll sound like an AI. Use words that are easy to understand, and keep your sentences short and simple.
The best answer to anyone wondering how to sound less like AI is to write with their target audience in mind. Of course, this is easier when you actually take the time to know what the people want and when they want it.
If you’re not sure how to do that, we’ve got loads of articles that give you step-by-step guides.
Once you’ve figured out your readers’ needs, it’s just a matter of writing to them in their own language and style. You’ll see for yourself how much this can improve your copy.
P.S.: Oh, and guess what? This guide is also 100% human. Why? Well, because we apply all the principles listed above almost subconsciously.

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